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PRICE Injury Protocol - Therapy for Sports Injuries

· sports injury

The PRICE is defined as a five-step protocol that is known for curing minor injuries. PRICE stands for protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. It boosts the healing process to a great extent and also does not allow the body parts to get damaged further.

So, it is easy to see the benefits of undergoing PRICE therapy. Perhaps this is the main reason for which every sports injury specialist prescribes this to their clients. In this post, we will take you through a complete guide and reveal all the information about PRICE therapy.

1. Protection

You should consider protecting your injured body part from further injury. For example, you can use support while walking to protect your injured leg.

2. Rest

When you suffer from injuries, you must not indulge in any sort of physical activity. You must take as much rest as possible. Suppose you have hurt your ankle or knee, then you must not exert excessive pressure on it. Use crutches if you have to walk. For a hurt shoulder, rely on a sling. This will limit its movement to a great extent.

3. Ice

You can also consider applying an ice pack on your affected area. We always recommend individuals to apply ice for a few minutes on the injured part of the body. You should do it several times on a daily basis. When applying ice, consider wrapping it in a towel. It will protect your skin from ice burn.

4. Compression

Compression involves wrapping the injured area with an elastic bandage. This alleviates the pain in no time. A doctor always recommends the athletes use compression bandage throughout the day when you get hurt. At night, however, you may take it off.

5. Elevation

Due to a joint injury, fluids develop the concerned area swells. The best way to curb swelling and the associated pain is to keep the area elevated. You must keep the body part above the level of the heart.

The combination of these five treatments is known as PRICE therapy. It works excellent in treating minor injuries and pain. However, if the degree of your injury is not minor, then your sports injury specialist might also recommend you other treatments.

For example, the doctor might also prescribe you painkillers like paracetamol. You can also take ibuprofen or other types of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Immobilisation also works excellent in reducing muscle spasm, swelling and pain. By treating these things, immobilisation improves the range of motion.

However, if you have sprain, then you won't need immobilisation. But if you are experiencing significant pain, then you should consider opting for immobilisation. It works excellent in treating injured arms and legs.